1029: If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso

20231227 SD

1029: If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso


I’m Major Jackson and this is The Slowdown.

I enjoy reading poems that are explicitly experimental, poems that undertake an earnest examination of form, language, and meaning. They help us find the expressive boundaries of an art borne out of the needs of our age.

I don’t mean works that unleash total anarchy on society or that signal the end of civilization as we know it. That kind of art is often met with severe resistance, sometimes outright violence as with the 1913 premiere of Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring — which prompted a riot. Or Steve Reich’s 1973 minimalist piece Four Organs — which led to an attendee pounding a shoe on the stage of Carnegie Hall, demanding the performers cease playing.

Today’s experiments in poetry spawn from considerations of poetry and technology such as AI and Blockchain. However, they do not represent a renewed sense of rigorous, aesthetic investigation. But do I detect a new movement of avant-garde play is on the horizon, one that will match the complexity of our moment, with all of its challenges in need of fervent solutions.

Today’s poem is a touchstone example of art that altered how we hear words, but also, how we perform language to transform words into elements of our yielding and will.

If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso
by Gertrude Stein

            If I told him would he like it. Would he like it if I told him.             Would he like it would 
Napoleon would Napoleon would would he like it.
            If Napoleon if I told him if I told him if Napoleon. Would he like it if I told him if I told 
him if Napoleon. Would he like it if Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. If I told him if 
Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. If I told him would he like it would he like it if I told him.
            Not now.
            And now.
            Exactly as as kings.
            Feeling full for it.
            Exactitude as kings.
            So to beseech you as full as for it.
            Exactly or as kings.
            Shutters shut and open so do queens. Shutters shut and shutters and so shutters shut and 
shutters and so and so shutters and so shutters shut and so shutters shut and shutters and so. And 
so shutters shut and so and also. And also and so and so and also.
            Exact resemblance to exact resemblance the exact resemblance as exact resemblance, exactly 
as resembling, exactly resembling, exactly in resemblance exactly and resemblance. For this is so. 
            Now actively repeat at all, now actively repeat at all, now actively repeat at all.
            Have hold and hear, actively repeat at all.
            I judge judge.
            As a resemblance to him.
            Who comes first. Napoleon the first.
            Who comes too coming coming too, who goes there, as they go they share, who shares all, 
all is as all as as yet or as yet.
            Now to date now to date. Now and now and date and the date.
            Who came first Napoleon at first. Who came first Napoleon the first. Who came first, 
Napoleon first.
            Exactly do they do.
            First exactly.
            Exactly do they do.
            First exactly.
            And first exactly.
            Exactly do they do.
            And first exactly and exactly.
            And do they do.
            At first exactly and first exactly and do they do.
            The first exactly.
            And do they do.
            The first exactly.
            At first exactly.
            First as exactly.
            As first as exactly.
            As presently.
            As as presently.
            He he he he and he and he and and he and he and he and and as and as he and as he and 
he. He is and as he is, and as he is and he is, he is and as he and he and as he is and he and he 
and and he and he.
            Can curls rob can curls quote, quotable.
            As presently.
            As exactitude.
            As trains.
            Has trains.
            Has trains.
            As trains.
            As trains.
            As proportions as presently.
            Farther and whether.
            Was there was there was there what was there was there what was there was there there was 
            Whether and in there.
            As even say so.
            I land.
            I land.
            The land.
            The land.
            The land.
            I land.
            I land.
            I land.
            I land.
            As a so.
            The cannot.
            A note.
            They cannot
            A float.
            They cannot.
            They dote.
            They cannot.
            They as denote.
            Miracles play.
            Play fairly.
            Play fairly well.
            A well.
            As well.
            As or as presently.
            Let me recite what history teaches. History teaches.